Krzysztof Komeda
The Complete Recordings of Krzysztof Komeda vol. 7 Film Music
Polonia Records, CD 062
1. Recordings from a movie "Nóż w wodzie"
( Knife in the water, 1962, directed by Roman Pola_ski),
01. I 1:19
02. II 2:18
03. III 2:30
04. IV 2:33
05. V 1:05
06. VI 2:07
07. VII 2:36
08. VIII 1:03
2. Recordings from a movie "Jutro premiera"
(Tomorrow's premiere, 1962, directed by Janusz Morgenstern)
09. I 2:26
10. II 2:58
11. III 1:39
12. IV 0:48
13. V 2:33
14. VI 3:16
3. Recordings from a movie "Kraksa" (Car accident, 1963, directed by E.Etler)
15. I 1:04
16. II 3:56
17. III 0:48
18. IV 3:43
19. V 1:56
20. VI 2:27
4. Recordings from a movie "Okolice peronów" (Neighborhood of railway platforms, 1964, directed by E.Etler)
21. I 2:05
22. II 5:09
23. III 1:38
24. IV 3:42
25. V 1:18
Orchestra conducted by Krzysztof Komeda
Tomasz Stańko — trumpet
All compositions by Krzysztof Komeda